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Dose of Sunshine Monday — Find something to Love

To celebrate my youngest sister’s birthday, we met in California for some cool weather and fun. One night, we rented “Life of Pi” and she loved the interesting story. Have you seen this movie or read the book? I read the book many years ago, and I thought the movie was quite fun to watch.

Afterwards, my sister came up with the quote of the day: “Well, we may have our trials, but at least we aren’t stuck in a boat in the middle of an ocean with a tiger on board!”

Well said, Wendi, well said. We decided that there could be something each day that we found to love. And that is how this thought came to be for today’s Dose of Sunshine Monday. My sister made this sign for you:


In the midst of your trials or busy life, can you find something to love every day? If you are having challenges with this right now, just remember: at least you are not in a boat in the middle of the ocean with a tiger.

Now, focus on the good!

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Dose of Sunshine Monday – I feel great!

Good Monday morning! Today I have some great sunshine thoughts to share with you. I talk about my grandmother a lot because she is so inspirational to me…she is always in good spirits and has some happy thoughts or poems to share. I think that she is amazing because she is in an assisted living home and cannot get around on her own, yet she is always smiling with a good word.

Today I am sharing a string of words she would say EVERY morning to get her day started on the right note. My mom remembers this well: she would wake up, throw open the curtains and say: “I feel great…I feel healthy…It is a fantastic day!” And then she would go about her day.

I think there is something to this way of starting of your day! A positive note, a positive affirmation….who wouldn’t smile to start off with these words?


Now, if you are anything like me, you may need to wait until after you fully wake up (and eat breakfast) to say this, but whenever it suits you, go ahead and give this a try for this week. See if it makes your week incredible.

Until next time…

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Angels Watching Over You

Have you heard that song by Amy Grant “Angels Watching Over Me”? It’s a beautiful song and here are some of the chorus lyrics:

God has Angels watching over me,
Every step I take
Angels watching over me!

Have you ever felt angels watching over you? I certainly have. This past weekend I was rear-ended in a car accident. I felt like the car would have major damage, but when we pulled over to check…there was no visible damage! How could that be? I was feeling so blessed. And I know that must have been a small little miracle.

And I don’t think it was a coincidence that I came across the following scripture:


I challenge you this week to pay attention to times when angels could be watching over you. Have a safe and happy week!

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Dose of Sunshine Monday – Say it three times

Good Monday Morning! And Happy July! I have to say how thankful I am for beautiful blessings: my nephews came to stay with me for a few days, I had a NEW nephew born last week, and we’ve been celebrating birthdays and breakthroughs.

So it reminded me of an activity I used to do (and might take up again today!) that focuses on blessings and gratitude.

All you have to do is look in the mirror into your own eyes. Say this out loud three times:


Also name specific things you are thankful for. This will “Lock it in” and start your week off on a positive note! And it’s great to do throughout the day. Especially if you are having one of “those” Mondays.

So go ahead, let’s hear what you are blessed with!


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Dose of Sunshine Monday — Trust the path will Illuminate

Happy Monday. I was inspired this weekend! And it caused me to remember a coach who would tell me to take a leap of faith. He says you don’t need to see all the steps in front of you, you only have to take the FIRST step and the step stones will appear. That takes trust and faith. Even if you don’t know WHERE you are going right now.

Take a deep breath, and take a first step.


Have a GREAT week filled with trust that your path WILL illuminate! Happy day. 🙂

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