Dose of Sunshine Monday — Find something to Love

To celebrate my youngest sister’s birthday, we met in California for some cool weather and fun. One night, we rented “Life of Pi” and she loved the interesting story. Have you seen this movie or read the book? I read the book many years ago, and I thought the movie was quite fun to watch.

Afterwards, my sister came up with the quote of the day: “Well, we may have our trials, but at least we aren’t stuck in a boat in the middle of an ocean with a tiger on board!”

Well said, Wendi, well said. We decided that there could be something each day that we found to love. And that is how this thought came to be for today’s Dose of Sunshine Monday. My sister made this sign for you:


In the midst of your trials or busy life, can you find something to love every day? If you are having challenges with this right now, just remember: at least you are not in a boat in the middle of the ocean with a tiger.

Now, focus on the good!

Sunshine In My Pocket

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