Tricks to freezing peaches

We are ending the week full of peaches, but I have some tips for freezing peaches!


When you have lots of extra peaches, it’s great to freeze them and then use them for  smoothies or even peach syrup. Cut them in half, remove the pit, and cut the halves in half. Don’t take the skin off. I know what you’re saying “But I don’t want those fuzzy peach skins!

I know, but wait…here’s an awesome trick I learned from my grandma!

Before we get to the trick, put your cut peaches on a baking sheet, and freeze them this way.


Once frozen, remove them from the tray and put them in a freezer baggie. If you freeze them on the cookie sheet first, they won’t stick together in the bag.


Now here’s the trick: when you are ready to use them, take a peach piece and RUN IT UNDER WATER….the fuzzy peach skin will slide right off!!

Awesome, huh?! I know, I wasn’t sure if I should believe my grandma, but we tried it and it works! Only the skins slide off, so you use more of the peach, which is fantastic. (this is my husband’s hand…demonstrating the trick for you)


Simple. And ready for a smoothie. 🙂 So try this trick and let me know what you think!

Sunshine In My Pocket

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