Dose of Sunshine Monday — Think Positive to Be Positive

Hello again, Monday. How’s YOUR Monday going? I’ve been thinking about the bad wrap that Monday has:

Another work week
Rainy Days and Mondays always Get Me Down
Just Another Manic Monday
Waiting for the Weekend

But how about some POSITIVE thoughts for Monday? Let’s think about all the times you have been successful. Or achieved something great! Can you think of any?

I can. Just today, actually. My Monday started out with some things I had to take care of that I wasn’t very happy about. Problems, fires, you know how Mondays can be… (oops, another bad Monday thought)
But I DID THEM! I GOT THROUGH THEM! And now there’s a little twinkle in my eye and a skip to my step.

And just last weekend I went to a large group gathering (that many times I’m not too fond of…I don’t like big groups and I often get claustrophobic…sigh), but I DID IT! (Que the Rocky theme song music!)

So what have you done lately that has you feeling happy, successful, proud or ecstatic?


This sign is a little quote from my husband. He is so brave and is constantly cheering me on when I have to do things I’d rather not do. When I hold onto that happy moment, I feel much more positive!

So take a moment to think positive thoughts and feel more positive about your day. Then go and conquer your work! And if you need to, go ahead and turn on that Rocky theme song “Gonna Fly Now” or “Eye of the Tiger” and feel great about yourself. 😉

Sunshine In My Pocket

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