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Dose of Sunshine Monday — Believe something wonderful

It’s Monday. Not only that, but something wonderful is about to happen! Yes, for you. Do you believe it? If you believe, then something wonderful WILL happen!

This is one of my favorite sayings and I had to make a printable of it. It’s a nice little reminder of how to live. Wouldn’t you rather have a nice anticipation for something great that is surely coming your way, rather than feel sorrow, fear, nervousness or uneasiness? I thought so.

So this week, remember to live with the feeling of looking forward to something wonderful, exciting, glorious, positive, or fabulous! And enjoy!


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Dose of Sunshine Monday — Today I Plan to

It’s Monday ALREADY! The weekend seemed to fly by and now it’s time for a fresh new week. Well, I have to admit, today I woke up thinking of all the things that had to be done this week and it was exhausting just thinking of it. Ever have thoughts like that?

So then another thought popped into my head: what if today I just had one plan? So here’s the plan:

And I’d like to remember to appreciate beautiful nature. (This picture was taken at the Amazing Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California. See review and more pictures of the flower fields here.) So it’s two for the price of one today! What are your plans for this Monday? Sending you blessings for an awe-inspiring week!

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Dose of Sunshine Monday — Make Your Life Happy

Hello, Monday! I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness and contentment this week. To make our life happy is something we have control over because it has a lot to do with our mindset. I had a business coach who would continually tell me to MAKE it a good day. Or MAKE it a great week. He would tell me that I could do this by making a goal to concentrate on being happy. I love to write about happiness and this week I will share more ideas for being happy. But until then, I will share with you this thought from my coach:


Make it a happy life! How are you doing with this?

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The Flower Fields

We just got back from a glorious vacation to Southern California and oh, how I loved the weather over there! But my absolute favorite part of our trip was the visit to the Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California. The Flower Fields are only in bloom in April (thru Mother’s Day) and the flowers grow in beautiful stripes of color on the side of the hill!


I probably took well over 100 pictures while we were there because I was so delighted at every angle of these fields of flowers. The ranunculas are certainly the star of the show and they cover about 55 acres of land.

ranunculas-the-star-of-the-show flowers-as-far-as-the-eye-can-see


These pictures don’t even do the beautiful scene justice, but I hope it gives you some of the inspiration we felt while we were there. You are not allowed to walk into the fields of flowers (don’t try it because there are guards in little golf carts watching you!), however there are some green carpets laid down so you can walk into each color stripe of flowers about 5 feet in. That is how we got to take some really fun pictures that look like we are in the middle of the field of flowers:


The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing and it was a perfect 72 degrees that day. Haven’t you always wanted to frolic in flowers?! Opa  didn’t want to kneel in the flowers, so he stood there holding a yellow ranuncula…he doesn’t have the same look of wonder on his face, but believe me, he loved these flowers fields like the rest of us did!

The workers at the Flower Fields are busy picking the most beautiful ranunculas to bundle up in a set of 10 flowers. They  bundle 12,000 up in a day to be delivered asap to the shops and stores that have already ordered them. 12,000 a DAY!! That’s a lot of flower bundles. And I must admit, I wanted to take a bundle home with me!



They did have other flowers there besides ranunculas. Like this Planter of Petunias. And a trellis garden filled with amazing-ness:


There was also a greenhouse filled with Orchids, a greenhouse filled with Poinsettias, and a maze made out of sweet peas. And of course a complete Nursery of flowers available for sale as you leave. And don’t forget the ROSE garden!


The flowers that grow in Southern California are just amazing! My husband and I have always loved flowers and gardens, and it is such a treat for us to notice all the color and beauty growing in California.


If you get an opportunity, go see the Flower Fields at Carlsbad…it may be the perfect Mother’s Day gift to take your mother (or grandmother)! I hope you enjoyed this tour of the Flower Fields!




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Dose of Sunshine Monday — Choose to Be Happy

Happy Monday! Today, I will leave you with one simple idea: If you have a choice, choose to be happy.

I am working on this at times there are things that bother me, but I remind myself that I do have a choice! And I can choose to continue to worry, or I can choose to be happy. It’s much more fun to be happy! Have you mastered this?


Have a super-great week filled with happy!

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