Hello! Today I have the brightest Spring Birds and Pop-Up Birdhouse Cards to share. I really fell in love with these birds and I couldn’t stop making colorful birds (patterned after REAL birds)!
I made so many birds and card samples, that I separate them into TWO videos! Watch them below or in HD on YouTube:
Just how cute are these birds?! I really loved to make them and I share a tip for choosing colors and creating your OWN in my video.

I love the little chubby birds and the smaller birds! And there’s a die for Blue Jays, too! Of course I couldn’t stop at just Blue Jays, I made two variations on that bird including a woodpecker.
In the second video I share how to make these pop-up birdhouses! The one on the left is completely foldable and fits in an envelope to mail if you want. The yellow one is more of a decor piece….and I’m using it for a place setting for Easter!

I also share an A2 shaped card and another A2 card idea using this same die! I love it when you can stretch your dies like this.

I’m often asked what supplies I use to make my cards and projects, so I’ve put together a list using affiliate links when possible. If you make a purchase with these links I may receive a small commission. These help me to keep up with blog costs and continue bringing you fun projects. Thank you so much for your support!

I hope you enjoyed all these projects today! Thanks for stopping by!