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Dose of Sunshine Monday — Inspiration comes

Happy Monday!  I hope your weekend was filled with inspiration. I had a fantastic weekend learning and growing and networking at Bloggy Boot Camp in Phoenix. I was inspired so much and now I have so many new ideas! (Now which to start first?)

I spent Sunday unwinding and thinking…and enjoying the garden. Look at this beautiful image I captured at just the right time of sunset. I hope it reminds you that inspiration is everywhere!


I hope you find your inspiration today. Take a deep breath and enjoy your week.

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Vanilla Blueberry Scones for Nonny


This post is inspired by my grandma, Nonny. She is a fantastic cook and she shared her love for cooking (and baking) with me. She taught me to make orange rolls (from scratch) and sugar cookies. She taught me to love tea time with the girls — complete with dress up clothes and hats and gloves. She always cooked an amazing Sunday dinner with homemade rolls and creamed peas…oh, how I loved those creamed peas. And always, always there were pansies from the garden as the centerpiece!

Right now my grandpa, Poppy is in the hospital. And since I feel so sad and a little helpless, I thought I’d make some scones for Nonny and send her these pictures across the miles! So, Nonny, this post is for you…I wish we were enjoying tea together as we devour these scones.

Vanilla Blueberry Scones

First, gather the ingredients: they are simple and few.


Flour, sugar, baking powder, butter, blueberries, milk, vanilla and an egg. (full recipe at the end of this post)

Mix together the flour, sugar and baking powder. Add the butter and cut it in with a pastry knife (if you don’t have one of those, you can use a knife or a fork). Then add the blueberries and carefully fold into the flour mixture.


In another dish, mix together the milk, egg and vanilla. Add the wet ingredients to the flour and blueberries and mix together until the dough comes together. You may need to add a little extra milk to bring it all together. Dough should be a little sticky.

Turn the dough out onto a parchment lined baking sheet and form it into a circle, about 1/2″ high. Brush a little milk onto the circle of dough, and sprinkle with sugar. Some of the sugar will melt into the milk, keep adding sugar until you can still see it on the top. (I like a lot of sugar…it cooks up a little crispy on top and makes the scone SO delicious!) Cut the circle of dough into 6 wedges. Then separate the wedges a bit before you put it into the oven.


Bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Do not overbake! That makes the scones crumbly and dry…and you don’t want that! When they are done, the edges should be just BARELY turning brown. Allow to cool. (But if you can’t resist…go ahead and eat one while they are still warm! That’s one of life’s best!) Make sure they are completely cool before you package them up in adorable little bags for gifting.


**Recipe here —- ** Important…please note: I need to update this recipe because it leaves out the part where you cut in the butter. Make a note:

Cut in the butter BEFORE you add the blueberries to the flour mixture. 🙂


I love to eat these with butter and cinnamon/sugar or even whipped cream (my favorite)! But they are delicious even just plain…the blueberries add just a little sweetness and the sugar on top makes a fantastic coating when you cook it.

{This one’s for you, Nonny, complete with purple pansies! I love you}


Oh. My. Doesn’t that look yummy?!

You might decide to enjoy these scones for Mother’s Day. But believe me, you really don’t need a special occasion for these beauties. When you make them, won’t you invite me to tea?

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Taste Test Tuesday — Root Beer


The Root Beer Taste Test results are finally IN!

We had a little extra fun with this one by offering an online survey before we held the actual taste test. I wanted to see if the results of the survey matched the results of the taste test. Boy, was I SURPRISED!


The survey began the week before the taste test panel. Thanks to everyone who took our online survey!

And the winner of the survey, with 37% of the votes was A&W Root Beer.
Tied for second place was IBC, Henry Weinhard’s and Barq’s Root Beer

I thought this was fun because we, as a society, are bombarded with marketing messages constantly. And A&W is a master at their marketing: “A&W Root Beer has that frosty mug taste!” Did A&W win the online survey because of marketing strategy, because it was the best recognized root beer out there? (I would not rest until I found out the answer to this with our live taste test! Yes, I am seriously dedicated to finding the truth for you, dear reader!)

Another interesting note: Barq’s must be working day and night to secure their place in restaurants and soda machines. I see Barq’s more than any other root beer as the choice at the soda fountain. (Although, today MUG was the root beer available at the pizzeria we tried.)

IBC is delicious, as I well know. But I had not heard of Henry Weinhard’s before the survey. In fact, IT WAS NOT EVEN AN OPTION on the survey, but was rather a write-in choice. AND…I had already gathered all the root beer for our taste test panelists, but this was NOT ONE of them! So, what did I do? I ran right out and found Henry Weinhard’s Root Beer to add as a contestant.


Would our taste test provide the same results as the online survey? Drum Roll, please….

The Winner of our Taste Test was:


A&W Root Beer!! Yes, the taste test reflected the SAME #1 Root Beer as the online survey! A&W is well-loved and the results of both tests showed that.

Note: I searched all over the valley for A&W Root beer on tap. They used to offer it at both A&W restaurants AND at select KFC restaurants. My kids LOVED it when we brought home a gallon of A&W root beer on tap and then served it up in the frosty mugs we kept in the freezer. However, when I called to find it for our taste tests…it was not to be found! The contract with KFC must have ended, because they now serve only MUG rootbeer in their restaurants. 🙁

We had a TIE for SECOND PLACE:


Henry Weinhard’s & IBC Root Beer tied for second place. If you take a look at our online survey: BOTH also came in second place (together with Barq’s…but Barq’s did not place at all with our Taste Test Panelists.)

So far, we are pretty consistent with our choices!

We also had a TIE for THIRD PLACE: (I know, I know…I wanted to hold a tie breaker, but ran out of panelists!)


Mug & Teddy’s tied for Third place. I could not compare to the online survey, but Teddy’s did get ONE vote online.

Interestingly enough, Teddy’s also was one that many judges did not appreciate: They reported that it was “too sweet” or “too strong.”

But we definitely had a DEAD LAST root beer. It was one that was voted as last place by the MAJORITY of the panelists:


Panelists commented that it was “too strong” or had a “weird cherry taste.” So much for using this as a cute Father’s Day gift. (Crafty Bloggers everywhere will shed tears, I’m sure)!


Just look at all those cups! (I used over 100 cups for this challenge…but it was certainly worth it, don’t you think?)
A special thanks to all our judges…I could not do this without you. 🙂


Now that we know A&W is the winning root beer…and we know the winner of our Vanilla Ice Cream Challenge (see the results here)…I think it might be time to introduce the two of them, don’t you agree?

We shall combine the two to make the BEST ROOT BEER FLOAT ever. And we’ll invite our panelists to come and see if they agree. And now, dear reader, I invite YOU to try these at your house and see if YOU think it is the best root beer float you’ve ever had! Then, report your findings back here on this blog post.

Another Successful Taste Test! (I can’t wait for the next one!)


Linking up with Lil’ Luna (I’m number 438! Ha! Someone’s got to be a little more on top of things….)

Until then,

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Dose of Sunshine Monday — Joy comes in the morning!

This weekend I was reminded that there is always an end to suffering. A season and a time for everything. And I was reminded to stand strong until additional inspiration comes! I love that thought…and I love that there is inspiration around us everywhere! (we have only to open our eyes to see it).

My chosen words for this year are wrapped up in this idea: (“Inspired and Inspiring”). Do you have a word for the year…a word to direct and help you throughout the good times and bad?

So my Sunshine today is two-fold: First, my words for the year, which are “Inspired and Inspiring” to remind me to find something every day to be inspired by. Also to remind me to try to be inspiring to someone else.


And second, a reminder that there will be an end to trials. And when doubt and difficulty come, we should not be afraid to ask for help. All things are possible to those that believe. JOY comes in the morning!


I hope you have an (inspired and) inspiring day!


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April Fools Day — Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

Well believe me, I cried* plenty over this one. And because of my anguish, I wanted to share my findings with YOU so you don’t have to experience the same trials. (Ok, trial might be too strong a word….let’s replace that with FRUSTRATION.)

Spilled Milk, the Making of:

I found this fantastic blog post about DIY spilled milk for April Fool’s Day. As you might know, I’m having some very serious people over on April Fools and I must make them laugh. 🙂

So, in my haste to get these beauties made, I gathered all my supplies from WalMart: Plastic Glasses (2 for 88 cents!), Glue (at only 33 cents per bottle!), and a little white acrylic paint. I was a little more than excited because this was going to be the cheapest most inexpensive craft ever!


I started out by making the milk “residue” inside the glass. Take 1 part glue, 1 part white paint, and 5 parts water. Stir it all up and pour it carefully into a glass. Swish it around a bit, then pour it back out of the glass. Set the glass on it’s side and allow it to dry.


So far so good!

After it dried, I made the “milk spill” by mixing equal parts of paint and glue. Stir well. Pour a splotch of the mixture onto waxed paper and put the glass into the splotch, as pictured below.


Easy enough, right. Allow this to dry. I let the first batch dry for 2 days. (I only made 2 glasses the first round, but my intention was to make 12 glasses of spilled milk to use at each place setting for the dinner party).  When I went to check on the dried, spilled milk, I found this:


It didn’t look like spilled milk at all. It looked like dried paint…and when I peeled off the waxed paper, they actually started to tear at each cracked area. It looked TERRIBLE!

Good thing I started early, I thought. So I made another batch. This time, I had to use all the rest of the glasses (10) because I only had 2 days until the party.

I mixed much less paint this time. Just enough to tint the glue a nice milky white color. Then I let them dry. I checked on them periodically and they seemed like they were doing much better. However, they were taking MUCH longer to dry.

I turned the ceiling fans on to help them along.

When they were finally dry enough to peel from the waxed paper, here’s what I got:


The “milk” was warped and curling by the minute! That didn’t look very realistic! I was sad and a little frantic. These were to be a main part of my April Fools Jokes. I didn’t have time to make more.

So I did what any self-respecting crafter would do. I IMPROVISED!

I took that warped and curling milk and I glued it down with glue dots to some white cardstock. Then I cut around the cardstock. And by gosh, it worked! I ended up only prepping 5 glasses of milk this way, but I think the table turned out great! I used them as a sort of centerpiece:




And, even with all the issues, I think in the end they looked realistic enough. I even had someone who saw the “spilled milk” and wanted to CLEAN IT UP! Yes, it’s reactions like that to make it all worth while! 🙂

So my advice to you if you are making these beauties, is take enough time to find the ratio that works! And if you do find that magic ratio, please let me know so I can share!

I hope this posting helped you in some small way! Happy Joking!

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