A few weeks ago I had a friend tell me that her heart was broken. I’ve been wanting to write a bit about broken hearts for quite a while now. Do you remember that song with the words: “how can you mend a broken heart?” I don’t believe they even tell us how to mend a heart in that song! So today, I’m sharing ย 6 Steps to Mend a Broken Heart.
{First let me tell you that I’m not a therapist or a doctor, but I do know a thing or two (or twelve) about broken hearts and I’ve found all these tips helpful.}
1) Be kind to yourself! If you are broken, take it easy. No guilt, no judgements, just LOVE yourself by treating yourself to any (or all) of the following: bubble bath, pedicure, read a happy book, meditate, deep breathing. Repeat as necessary.
2) Talk it out. Gather a friend or two who will let you share your feelings. It helps to just get these feelings out and friends can be invaluable in helping you to get over it, see it in a new light, or just give hugs. (sisters, moms, and spouses work, too!)
3) Journal. Writing things down can also be very healing. Even if you write it down and then rip it up, throw it out, stomp on it, destroy it. Sometimes a broken heart comes with some angry or sad feelings, too…and journaling is SO good for releasing those. If you keep those feelings bottled up inside, it will just get worse.
4) Pray. Kneel down and really pour out your heart. You might be amazed at how this can change things for you. I keep a sign on my nightstand that says: “Prayer Changes Things.” And it does. It may not change the situation, but I’ve seen it change feelings, attitudes, outcomes, and more. I do believe that you can ask for your own miracle;ย miracles happen every day. Why not for you?
5) Chocolate. Nothing is better than friends, except friends who have chocolate. I’m going to share a secret: I ALWAYS have a chocolate stash at the ready for times I need it. This stash may not be good for my waist-line, but it sure is soothing for a broken heart! If chocolate is not readily available, sometimes maple donuts are the next best thing. ๐
6) Exercise. It’s well known that exercise raises seratonin, which makes you feel happy. Find a form of exercise that you like and spend some time at it. Running, walking, weight lifting, yoga, cycling, sports. (AND This will help with #5 above!)
I hope this helps you or someone you love in a small way. Have you ever had a broken heart? What did you do that helped your heart? Sending hugs to all my virtual friends and family!